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Unreal is the first game in the [[Unreal series]] and was the first 3D venture by Epic Games and Digital Extremes. The game was approved by GT Interactive in 1996 and released on May 22, 1998 to the world, however by several accounts work on the engine actually started sometime around 1994. Unreal provided a single player experience along with a multiplayer mode that allowed for up to 16 players. It was rated 'M' for Mature by the ESRB for intense violence.
''Note: If you are seeking for the links to essential files, see the [[#Essential files|Essential files section]].''
[[Image:Unreal box.jpg|thumb|right|250px]]
<div style="float: left;">
'''Unreal''' is the first game in the [[Unreal series]] and was the first 3D venture by Epic Games and Digital Extremes. The game was approved by GT Interactive in 1996 and released on May 22, 1998 to the world, however by several accounts work on the engine actually started sometime around 1994. Unreal provided a single player experience along with a multiplayer mode that allowed for up to 16 players. It was rated 'M' for Mature by the ESRB for intense violence.
{| class="wikitable" style="font-size: 88%; margin: 0 auto;"
! PC Release Date
| May 22, 1998
! Mac Release Date
| January 1, 1999
! Engine Version(s)
| Unreal Engine 1 (200-226b)
{{Infobox game
| image = Unreal box.jpg
| releasedates = May 22, 1998 (PC)<br />January 1, 1999 (Mac)
| enginever = Unreal Engine 1
| gamebuilds = 200-226b (Epic Games)<br />227a-227j (OldUnreal)
Work on Unreal began in 1994 when James Schmalz, founder of Digital Extremes, showed Cliff Bleszinski a side project he had been working on. At the time, Schmalz was creating all of his own content, and programming the game all by himself. The game had not yet been fully realized, and Schmalz was creating all of his levels on paper.
Work on Unreal began in 1994 when [[James Schmalz]], founder of [[Digital Extremes]], showed [[Cliff Bleszinski]] a side project he had been working on. At the time, Schmalz was creating all of his own content, and programming the game all by himself. The game had not yet been fully realized, and Schmalz was creating all of his levels on paper.
A short time later, Schmalz showed what he had been working on to Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic MegaGames (later renamed to Epic Games). Tim was impressed and began working on a level editor for Schmalz to use to build his engine. As time went on, many people became involved in the process. Mark Rein was brought in to do PR, Steve Polge was hired to work on the AI. For a time, many of the people working for Epic were doing so remotely.
A short time later, Schmalz showed what he had been working on to [[Tim Sweeney]], founder of Epic MegaGames (later renamed to Epic Games). Tim was impressed and began working on a level editor for Schmalz to use to build his engine. As time went on, many people became involved in the process. Some of the key people of the remote employees were [[Mark Rein]] which was brought in to do PR, [[Steve Polge]] that was hired to work on the AI and [[Shane Caudle]] who was called to make some of the game's maps. For a time, many of the people working for Epic were doing so remotely.
Originally the game was scheduled to come out in April 1997. A few months after this date slipped, pressure started mounting from GT Interactive to get the project completed. Epic moved all of it's remote employees to Digital Extremes Waterloo, Toronto, Canada offices to complete the final push of the game. Roughly one year later, the game was released and its level of detail put video game publishers on notice: a new age of gaming had arrived.
Originally the game was scheduled to come out in April 1997. A few months after this date slipped, pressure started mounting from GT Interactive to get the project completed. Epic moved all of its remote employees to Digital Extremes Waterloo, Toronto, Canada offices to complete the final push of the game. Roughly one year later, the game was released and its level of detail put video game publishers on notice: a new age of gaming had arrived.
A demo was alluded to many times by various people at Epic Games throughout the life of Unreal, however the only demos that were ever released came bundled with various hardware. Many people saw this as a negative to Unreal as there was no real way to try the game before you bought it.
A demo was alluded to many times by various people at Epic Games throughout the life of Unreal, however the only demos that were ever released came bundled with various hardware. Many people saw this as a negative to Unreal as there was no real way to try the game before you bought it.
Unreal was given very good reviews and was generally accepted very well by gamers. However, shortly after the game's release it became apparent that the multi-player network code was not up to scratch for the then widely used 56k modem connections. Due to this, the Epic MegaGames message board filled up with hundreds of posts of complaints about the poor quality of Unreal and the general need for a patch. This led to Epic's message boards being nicknamed the "Epic FlameBoards". In response, Epic released dozens of patches to the game, later including Direct3D and OpenGL support to the Software Rendering and Glide support.
===Release Details===
===Release Details===
[[Image:Unreal Intro.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Unreal's Flyby Intro]]
[[Image:Unreal Intro.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Unreal's Flyby Intro]]
The initial release of Unreal was published by GT Interactive and arrived in stores on May 22, 1998.
*May 22, 1998 - '''Unreal''' (PC) - 1 CD
*January 21st, 2000 - [[Unreal Gold]] (PC) - 1 CD
*: Included [[Unreal - Return to Na Pali|Return to Na Pali]].
*August 29, 2001 - [[Totally Unreal]] (PC) - 4 CDs
*: Included [[Unreal Gold]], [[Unreal Tournament - GOTY]] and an [[Unreal Championship]]/[[Unreal 2]] preview disc
*November 6, 2006 - [[Unreal Anthology]] (PC) - 1 DVD
*: Included [[Unreal Gold]],  [[Unreal Tournament - GOTY]], [[Unreal 2]], and [[UT2004]].
*: Published by Midway Games, who took publishing rights from [[Atari]]
A full version of Unreal was released with certain S3 Video Cards to show off Unreal's S3TC capabilities. This version came with several S3TC showcase levels that can be found online.
A full version of Unreal was released with certain S3 Video Cards to show off Unreal's S3TC capabilities. This version came with several S3TC showcase levels that can be found online.
Another version of Unreal was released with certain Creative products to show off Unreal's EAX capabilities.
A free trial of Unreal was released with certain Creative products to show off Unreal's EAX capabilities.
A re-release of Unreal was done and titled [[Unreal Gold]]. This package was released to stores January 21, 2000. Unreal Gold contained the original release of Unreal patched to version 226. It also used the [[Unreal Tournament]] [[UWindows]] interface. It also included the expansion pack, [[Unreal - Return to Na Pali|Return to Na Pali]]. Many people disliked this release because, while the Direct3D support was better, nearly every other facet of the engine was worse, especially network play.
Unreal was given very good reviews and was generally accepted very well by gamers. However, shortly after the game's release it became apparent that the multi-player network code was not up to scratch for the 56k modem connections in wide use at the time. Due to this, the Epic MegaGames message board filled up with hundreds of posts of complaints about the poor quality of the Unreal netcode and the general need for a patch. This led to Epic's message boards being nicknamed the "Epic FlameBoards". In response, Epic released dozens of patches to the game, later including Direct3D and OpenGL support to the Software Rendering and Glide support.
Unreal Gold was also released with [[Totally Unreal]]. This package also contained [[Unreal Tournament - GOTY]] as well as an [[Unreal Championship]]/[[Unreal 2]] preview disc.
In September 2006, Unreal Gold was re-released for (probably) the last time in the Unreal Anthology pack published by Midway Games. The pack also included [[Unreal - Return to Na Pali]], [[Unreal Tournament - GOTY]], [[Unreal 2]] and [[UT2004]].
==Game Content==
==Game Content==
The music in Unreal was written by Alexander Brandon and Michiel van der Bos. The music, for the most part, is designed to complement the eerie and hollow feeling of the game as well as the sense of beauty in many parts of the game.
{| class="wikitable"
*Some song name
|+ Tracks
! Title !! Filename !! Sections !! Uses !! Author
| Long Flight || FlyBy || 1 || Flyby Intro || [[Alexander Brandon]]
| Nightmares || Vortex || 2 || Vortex Rikers || Alexander Brandon
| Dusk Horizon || Dusk || 2 || NyLeve's Fall and Sacred Passage || Alexander Brandon
| Dig - Shareware Version || DigSh || 3 || Rrajigar Mine and Depths of Rrajigar || Alexander Brandon
| Flooded Grottoes || Chizra1 || 1 || Chizra-Nali Water God || Alexander Brandon and [[Michiel van den Bos]]
| SETI || Seti || 2 || The Ceremonial Chambers || Michiel van den Bos
| Nali Chant || Nali || 2 || Dark Arena || Alexander Brandon
| Lonely Abbey || Hub2 || 3 || Harobed Village || Michiel van den Bos
| Night Vision || K_Vision || 3 || Terraniux Underground and Terraniux || Alexander Brandon
| Secret Base || Fourth || 2 || Noork's Elbow || Michiel van den Bos
| Unreal Crypt || UTemple || 2 || Temple of Vandora || Alexander Brandon
| Lethal Chasm || Fifth || 2 || The Trench || Michiel van den Bos
| High Tension (Mix 1) || Newmca9 || 2 || ISV-Kran Deck 4 || Michiel van den Bos
| High Tension (Mix 2) || Kran32 || 2 || ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2 || Michiel van den Bos
| High Tension (Mix 3) || Kran2 || 2 || ISV-Kran Deck 1 || Michiel van den Bos
| Valley of the Spires || Spire || 3 || Spire Village, The Sunspire || Michiel van den Bos
| Surfacing || Surface || 1 || Gateway to Na Pali || Alexander Brandon
| All Hallows Sunset || SkyTwn || 2 || Na Pali Haven || Alexander Brandon
| Isotoxin || Isotoxin || 1 || Outpost 3J || Necros ([[Andrew Sega]])
| Guardian of Stone || Guardian || 1 || Velora Pass || Alexander Brandon
| The Monastery (Mix 1) || Eversmoke || 2 || Bluff Eversmoking || Michiel van den Bos
| Mountain Fortress || Newmca7 || 2 || Dasa Mountain Pass and Cellars at Dasa Pass || Michiel van den Bos
| War Gate || WarGate || 3 || Serpent Canyon, Nali Castle, Demonlord's Lair || Alexander Brandon
| The Warlord (Warlord Theme)|| Warlord || 1 || Demonlord's Lair and Skaarj Generator || Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
| Red Alert || Crater || 3 || Demon Crater || Michiel van den Bos
| Erosion || Unreal4 || 3 || MotherShip Lab, MotherShip Core, Skaarj Generator and The Darkening || Basehead ([[Dan Gardopée]])
| Illusions || EndEx || 3 || The Source Antechamber || Alexander Brandon
| Queen of Death || QueenSong || 3 || The Source || Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
| Unreal - Main Title || Utend || 1 || Ending Sequence || Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
| The Monastry (Mix 2) || Newmca13 || 2 || Another mix was used at Bluff Eversmoking || Michiel van den Bos
| Unreal #16 || Newmca16 || 2 || Unused || Michiel van den Bos
Additionally there are some music tracks which were included in the game but were not used in the original game alone, such as "Opal" and "Morose". Some of these unused tracks were, however, used in [[Unreal Mission Pack: Return to Na Pali|Return to Na Pali]].
It should be noted as well that the song "Isotoxin" is featured as the opening song of another game, called "In Pursuit Of Greed".
* [[Dispersion Pistol]]
* [[Dispersion Pistol]]
* [[Automag]]
*: The first weapon you acquire, fires small energy bolts or can charge up a larger bolt.  Automatically recharges ammo.  Able to be upgraded with special pickups.
* [[Enforcer|Automag]]
*: A semi-automatic pistol.
* [[Stinger]]
* [[Stinger]]
*: Rapidly fires tarydium shards, or a group of shards in a spread pattern.
* [[Bio Rifle|GES BioRifle]]
* [[Bio Rifle|GES BioRifle]]
*: Launches powerful blobs of Tarydium waste. Completely useless against Slith, as they are immune to radioactive slime.
* [[Shock Rifle|A.S.M.D.]]
* [[Shock Rifle|A.S.M.D.]]
*: The A.S.M.D. shoots a beam and a core.
*: Fires an instant hit photon beam, or a moving core. Shooting the core with the beam causes a massive explosion.
* [[Minigun]]
* [[Minigun]]
* [[8ball Launcher]]
*: Rapid fire machine gun.
* [[Rocket Launcher|Eightball Launcher]]
*: A six-barreled rocket launcher that can charge up 6 rockets horizontally or in a tight circular group.  Alternatively, rockets can, also up to six in each charge, be lobbed as grenades in a second firing mode.
* [[Flak Cannon]]
* [[Flak Cannon]]
*: Fires shrapnel in a spread pattern or launches a shell that explodes on contact, releasing shrapnel.
* [[Razorjack]]
* [[Razorjack]]
* [[Sniper Rifle|Rifle]]
*: Launches fast spinning cutting blades.  Blades can be guided with alternate fire.
* [[Sniper Rifle]]
*: A High powered zooming sniper rifle.
* QuadShot
*: The Quad Shot, a four-barreled shotgun, is an unfinished weapon that is never seen in the game but its mesh and script can be seen in the Editor. It may have been replaced by the [[Flak Cannon]]. Also some mods have working weapons using the mesh (such as ''Seven Bullets'').
[[Inventory Items]]
These can be picked up and then used during the course of the singleplayer game and a few are available in multiplayer levels. Use the bracket keys <nowiki>[ ]</nowiki> on your keyboard to select an item visible in your inventory icon bar. The currently selected item is bounded by a white box. Use the '''Enter''' key to activate an item. Activated items are highlighted in red. Press '''Enter''' a second time to deactivate an item.
[[Pickup Items]]
Unlike Inventory Items, Pickup Items are activated or put into use as soon as you pick them up. For this reason, it is often wise to leave a Pickup Item on the ground and come back to pick it up when you need to use it.
* Ash
* Ash
*: According to the manual with the game, Ash was one of the prison guards on the prison ship.
*: According to the manual with the game, Ash was one of the prison guards on the prison ship.
* [[Prisoner 849]]
*: The main character of Unreal, who must find a way to escape the Na Pali planet. The true identity is unknown, but a story indicates it to be a woman by the first name Gina, the default character.
* Kira Argmanov
*: Science officer aboard the ISV-Kran, Kira was captured by the Skaarj and imprisoned at [[Bluff Eversmoking]], pursued across several locations by some of her crewmates, who died before they could rescue her. Freed from a cell by a Nali, Kira took refuge in the bell tower, where her body is later found by Prisoner 849.
* S. Kroon
*: Captain S. Kroon is the captain of the Vortex Rikers. The player approaches him and he consolves and dies.
* James Cavannaugh
*: James Cavannaugh is tied down in a chair awaiting to be electrocuted. The player can choose whether or not his corpse is destroyed by either electrocuting him or leaving him alone, but it will not affect progress of the game at all; however, he is already dead.
* Jonas Gershwin
*: Jonas Gershwin is a prisoner onboard the Vortex Rikers whose diary is found very early in the game. Although no identifying corpse is discovered (as is the case with other human characters in the game), Jonas Gershwin makes a non-canonical appearance in the Unreal Tournament singleplayer mod ''Seven Bullets'' as an antagonist.
* Boris Clague
*: Boris Clague is a prisoner onboard the Vortex Rikers, notable only as the author of a diary entry found at the beginning of the game. Boris is one of the main protagonists of the two Unreal novels ''Prophet's Power'' and ''Hard Crash.''
*: The Skaarj are an alien race who enslaved the [[Nali]] on the planet you crash land on, [[Na Pali]].
*: The Skaarj are an alien race who enslaved the [[Nali]] on the planet you crash land on, [[Na Pali]]. They are divided in various sub-classes: [[Skaarj Warrior|Warriors]], [[Skaarj Trooper|Troopers]], [[Pupae]] stage creatures, [[Warlord|Warlords]] and [[Skaarj Queen|Queens]]. However, there is one warlord and one queen on Na Pali.
*: The Nali are a race indigenous to [[Na Pali]] but subordinate to the Skaarj as they have been enslaved.
*: The Nali are a race indigenous to [[Na Pali]] but subordinate to the Skaarj as they have been enslaved.
*: You play as a human prisoner whose prison ship crash landed on a mysterious planet, [[Na Pali]].
*: You play as a human prisoner whose prison ship crash landed on a mysterious planet, [[Na Pali]].
*: Heavy infantry beasts genetically engineered by the Skaarj, wielding handheld rocket launchers.
*: A race of unknown origin that has been enslaved by the [[Skaarj]] and act as their guards.
*: A race of unknown origin that has been enslaved by the [[Skaarj]] and act as their guards.
*: A mysterious race of robotic aliens, seeking Tarydium on Na Pali for power. They are rival to the Skaarj.
*: Skaarj's amphibian cousins. Green serpents that roam in land and underwater. Use powerful claw and acidic saliva to attack their preys.
*: Enormous creatures, native of Na Pali. Found in large lands or inside various temples and a fortress dedicated to the god Velora, they like to destroy any living being in their sight with boulders and incredible physical strength. Sometimes a Stone Titan is seen in some maps (Multiplayer DM maps) in Unreal Tournament called Mr. Titan and Mr. Titan can yell out insults that may offend you.
*: Balloon-like creatures with five eyes. They roam various environments from above, and use fire projectiles called Belch to kill their prey.
*[[Manta (enemy)|Manta]]s
*: Flying creatures with a shape similar to Earth's stingrays. They are very aggressive and use their tails as weapons. Highly territorial.
*: Na Pali's oversized flies, which attack everyone with their tails. They aren't territorial as the Mantas, and it is possible that battles between the two flying races ensue.
*Underwater creatures
*: Na Pali's seas and lakes are filled with three types of creatures, plus the [[Slith]]: [[Biterfish]], [[Devilfish]] and [[Squid]]
*: Creatures living in cold environments. They are attached to roofs and fire teeth-like thorns.
*: Space Vermins. Captured into the ISV-Kran Deck1, [[UMS Prometheus]] and [[Mothership Lab]]. Highly aggressive
*Previewed Monsters
*: A dragon, gargoyle, chameleon, and some other creatures were shown in tech demos and displayed on pictures and ads, but none of them where ever used in the final, finished game. Some weren't seen in the game because the places which they were in were cut to avoid making a game too long to complete, others were either replaced (like the Krall, who took the place of a centaur-like creature) or removed altogether (like the Dragon), because they disturbed the quality of the game, the team behind which had the goal to make the game live to its full potential.
*[[Team DeathMatch]]
*[[Team Deathmatch]]
*[[Coop Game]]
*[[King of the Hill]]
====Single Player====
==== Single-Player ====
{| style="width: 100%"
{| style="width: 100%"
* [[Vortex2]]
* [[Vortex Rikers]]
* [[Nyleve]]
* [[NyLeve's Falls]]
* [[Dig]]
* [[Rrajigar Mine]]
* [[Dug]]
* [[Depths of Rrajigar]]
* [[Passage]]
* [[Sacred Passage]]
* [[Chizra]]
* [[Chizra - Nali Water God]]
* [[Ceremony]]
* [[The Ceremonial Chambers]]
* [[Dark]]
* [[Dark Arena]]
* [[Harobed]]
* [[Harobed Village]]
* [[Terralift]]
* [[Terraniux Underground]]
* [[Terraniux]]
* [[Terraniux]]
* [[Noork]]
* [[Noork's Elbow]]
* [[Ruins]]
* [[Temple of Vandora]]
* [[Trench]]
* [[The Trench]]
* [[IsvKran4]]
* [[ISV-Kran Deck 4]]
* [[IsvKran32]]
* [[ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2]]
* [[Isvdeck1]]
* [[ISV-Kran Deck 1]]
* [[SpireVillage]]
* [[Spire Village]]
* [[TheSunspire]]
* [[The Sunspire]]
* [[Skycaves]]
* [[Gateway to Na Pali]]
* [[Skytown]]
* [[Na Pali Haven]]
* [[Skybase]]
* [[Outpost 3J]]
* [[VeloraEnd]]
* [[Velora Pass]]
* [[Bluff]]
* [[Bluff Eversmoking]]
* [[DasaPass]]
* [[Dasa Mountain Pass]]
* [[DasaCellars]]
* [[Cellars at Dasa Pass]]
* [[Naliboat]]
* [[Serpent Canyon]]
* [[Nalic]]
* [[Nali Castle]]
* [[Nalilord]]
* [[Demonlord's Lair]]
* [[DCrater]]
* [[ExtremeBeg]]
* [[Demon Crater]]
* [[ExtremeLab]]
* [[Mothership Basement]]
* [[ExtremeCore]]
* [[Mothership Lab]]
* [[Extremegen]]
* [[Mothership Core]]
* [[Extremedgen]]
* [[Skaarj Generator]]
* [[ExtremeDark]]
* [[Illumination]]
* [[ExtremeEnd]]
* [[The Darkening]]
* [[QueenEnd]]
* [[The Source Antechamber]]
* [[EndGame]]
* [[The Source]]
==== Multiplayer ====
{| style="width: 100%"
{| style="width: 100%"
* Map name
* [[DmAriza]]
* map name
* [[DmBayC]] (OEM Demo)
* map anme
* [[DmCreek]] (OEM Demo)
* map name
* [[DmCurse]]
* [[DM-Cybrosis]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
* [[DmDeathFan]]
* [[DmDeck16]]
* [[DmElsinore]]
<!--* [[DmDespair]] (Betas)-->
<!--* [[DmEclipse]] (Sky11/Sky12 - Betas)-->
* map name
* [[DmFith]]
* map name
* [[DmHealPod]]
* [[AS-FallenCity]]
* [[DmKrazy]] (OEM Demo)
* [[AS-Glacier]]
* [[DM-Letting]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
* [[DmLocke]] (GW Press Addon)
* [[DM-Loxi]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
* [[DM-Mojo]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
* [[DmMorbias]]
<!--* [[DmMorbfanza]] (Betas)-->
* [[AS-Junkyard]]
* [[DmRadikus]]
* [[AS-Mothership]]
* [[DmScruular]] (GW Press Addon)
* [[AS-RobotFactory]]
* [[DM-Shrapnel]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
<!--* [[DmSplash]] (Betas)-->
* [[DmTundra]]
* [[DM-Twilight]] ([[Fusion Map Pack]])
* [[DmVilla]] (GW Press Addon)
* [[DkNightOp]]
==== Other ====
* Entry
* Unreal
* Ending Sequence
* [[The Gateway]]
==Bonus Content==
==Bonus Content==
*[[Fusion Map Pack]]
*[[Fusion Map Pack]]
*: The only official bonus content for Unreal.
*: The only official bonus content for Unreal.
==Essential files==
Here you will find all the links to the downloads of the essential files for your Unreal installation (due to BeyondUnreal not supporting the Essential Files wizard any more. Note: you can still see the unsupported page [ here]).
====Recommended patches====
*[ Unreal Patch 227j] by [ OldUnreal]. Adds a lot of new functionality and support for modern PC's to Unreal. See [ this page] for the full list of new functions and commands.
====Epic and older patches====
*[ Unreal 226 Final] for the Windows original version. Use it if you have the first, original version of Unreal, not bundled. Does not support connecting to [[RTNP]] and 227 servers. ''File Date: June 24 2004''
*[ Unreal 225 Final] for the Windows original version. Use it if you have the first, original version of Unreal, not bundled. This version is the best official version for servers and to some extent to clients.
*[ Unreal - Return to Na Pali Missionpack 226b Patch]. Upgrades the mission pack to the 226 code base. It includes several network and Direct3D fixes, and adds the Unreal Tournament interface. Use this path for the original [[RTNP]] only. Supports connecting to Unreal servers. ''File Date: May 2 2002''
*[ Rich Text fix]. Use if you are having problems with the Unreal editor. For all compilations of Unreal except 227. ''File Date: May 2 2002''
*[ UnrealEd Fix 4]. Use if you are having problems with the Unreal editor. For all compilations of Unreal except 227.
*[ More patches]. Unreal has so many different patches that it's hard to choose one, and this page helps to decide the best one for you.
====S3TC Textures====
*[ High Resolution Textures]. Replace client-side textures with the S3TC-compressed ones to get a lot more world detail. For all compilations of Unreal. '''Note:''' do not use these server-side.
==User Created Content==
==User Created Content==
*[ RealCTF]
*[ Maps]
*[ Miscellaneous downloads for Unreal]
==Additional Information==
==Additional Information==
* Many previews of the game mentioned a dragon in the game. The dragon morphed into what would later be known as the Krall.
* A dragon, gargoyle, "chameleon", and a hawk were all mentioned in previews for Unreal but were all cut from the game because they didn't live up to the "cool factor". A Minotaur creature was refined to the point that it became the [[Krall]].
* Unreal's manual lists the Rifle's alternate fire as a three-shot burst, when it is, in fact, a zoom function. This is a leftover from the Unreal betas.
* Many were the maps cut from the final version. Some of them are: Soledad, Morose, Nexus, Nexus End, FHub6, Cryox, and The Gateway.
* A full install of Unreal uses around 420 MB of hard drive space.
==Previews and Reviews==
==Previews and Reviews==
Line 163: Line 336:
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[Unreal - Return to Na Pali]]
*[[Unreal - Return to Na Pali]]
*[[Unreal 2]]
*[[Totally Unreal]]
*[[Unreal 2: The Awakening]]

Latest revision as of 18:57, 23 June 2022

Note: If you are seeking for the links to essential files, see the Essential files section.

Unreal is the first game in the Unreal series and was the first 3D venture by Epic Games and Digital Extremes. The game was approved by GT Interactive in 1996 and released on May 22, 1998 to the world, however by several accounts work on the engine actually started sometime around 1994. Unreal provided a single player experience along with a multiplayer mode that allowed for up to 16 players. It was rated 'M' for Mature by the ESRB for intense violence.

Unreal box.jpg
Release dates May 22, 1998 (PC)
January 1, 1999 (Mac)
Engine version Unreal Engine 1
Game builds 200-226b (Epic Games)
227a-227j (OldUnreal)


Work on Unreal began in 1994 when James Schmalz, founder of Digital Extremes, showed Cliff Bleszinski a side project he had been working on. At the time, Schmalz was creating all of his own content, and programming the game all by himself. The game had not yet been fully realized, and Schmalz was creating all of his levels on paper.

A short time later, Schmalz showed what he had been working on to Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic MegaGames (later renamed to Epic Games). Tim was impressed and began working on a level editor for Schmalz to use to build his engine. As time went on, many people became involved in the process. Some of the key people of the remote employees were Mark Rein which was brought in to do PR, Steve Polge that was hired to work on the AI and Shane Caudle who was called to make some of the game's maps. For a time, many of the people working for Epic were doing so remotely.

Originally the game was scheduled to come out in April 1997. A few months after this date slipped, pressure started mounting from GT Interactive to get the project completed. Epic moved all of its remote employees to Digital Extremes Waterloo, Toronto, Canada offices to complete the final push of the game. Roughly one year later, the game was released and its level of detail put video game publishers on notice: a new age of gaming had arrived.


A demo was alluded to many times by various people at Epic Games throughout the life of Unreal, however the only demos that were ever released came bundled with various hardware. Many people saw this as a negative to Unreal as there was no real way to try the game before you bought it.

Release Details

Unreal's Flyby Intro

A full version of Unreal was released with certain S3 Video Cards to show off Unreal's S3TC capabilities. This version came with several S3TC showcase levels that can be found online.

A free trial of Unreal was released with certain Creative products to show off Unreal's EAX capabilities.


Unreal was given very good reviews and was generally accepted very well by gamers. However, shortly after the game's release it became apparent that the multi-player network code was not up to scratch for the 56k modem connections in wide use at the time. Due to this, the Epic MegaGames message board filled up with hundreds of posts of complaints about the poor quality of the Unreal netcode and the general need for a patch. This led to Epic's message boards being nicknamed the "Epic FlameBoards". In response, Epic released dozens of patches to the game, later including Direct3D and OpenGL support to the Software Rendering and Glide support.

Game Content


Title Filename Sections Uses Author
Long Flight FlyBy 1 Flyby Intro Alexander Brandon
Nightmares Vortex 2 Vortex Rikers Alexander Brandon
Dusk Horizon Dusk 2 NyLeve's Fall and Sacred Passage Alexander Brandon
Dig - Shareware Version DigSh 3 Rrajigar Mine and Depths of Rrajigar Alexander Brandon
Flooded Grottoes Chizra1 1 Chizra-Nali Water God Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
SETI Seti 2 The Ceremonial Chambers Michiel van den Bos
Nali Chant Nali 2 Dark Arena Alexander Brandon
Lonely Abbey Hub2 3 Harobed Village Michiel van den Bos
Night Vision K_Vision 3 Terraniux Underground and Terraniux Alexander Brandon
Secret Base Fourth 2 Noork's Elbow Michiel van den Bos
Unreal Crypt UTemple 2 Temple of Vandora Alexander Brandon
Lethal Chasm Fifth 2 The Trench Michiel van den Bos
High Tension (Mix 1) Newmca9 2 ISV-Kran Deck 4 Michiel van den Bos
High Tension (Mix 2) Kran32 2 ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2 Michiel van den Bos
High Tension (Mix 3) Kran2 2 ISV-Kran Deck 1 Michiel van den Bos
Valley of the Spires Spire 3 Spire Village, The Sunspire Michiel van den Bos
Surfacing Surface 1 Gateway to Na Pali Alexander Brandon
All Hallows Sunset SkyTwn 2 Na Pali Haven Alexander Brandon
Isotoxin Isotoxin 1 Outpost 3J Necros (Andrew Sega)
Guardian of Stone Guardian 1 Velora Pass Alexander Brandon
The Monastery (Mix 1) Eversmoke 2 Bluff Eversmoking Michiel van den Bos
Mountain Fortress Newmca7 2 Dasa Mountain Pass and Cellars at Dasa Pass Michiel van den Bos
War Gate WarGate 3 Serpent Canyon, Nali Castle, Demonlord's Lair Alexander Brandon
The Warlord (Warlord Theme) Warlord 1 Demonlord's Lair and Skaarj Generator Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
Red Alert Crater 3 Demon Crater Michiel van den Bos
Erosion Unreal4 3 MotherShip Lab, MotherShip Core, Skaarj Generator and The Darkening Basehead (Dan Gardopée)
Illusions EndEx 3 The Source Antechamber Alexander Brandon
Queen of Death QueenSong 3 The Source Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
Unreal - Main Title Utend 1 Ending Sequence Alexander Brandon and Michiel van den Bos
The Monastry (Mix 2) Newmca13 2 Another mix was used at Bluff Eversmoking Michiel van den Bos
Unreal #16 Newmca16 2 Unused Michiel van den Bos

Additionally there are some music tracks which were included in the game but were not used in the original game alone, such as "Opal" and "Morose". Some of these unused tracks were, however, used in Return to Na Pali.

It should be noted as well that the song "Isotoxin" is featured as the opening song of another game, called "In Pursuit Of Greed".


  • Dispersion Pistol
    The first weapon you acquire, fires small energy bolts or can charge up a larger bolt. Automatically recharges ammo. Able to be upgraded with special pickups.
  • Automag
    A semi-automatic pistol.
  • Stinger
    Rapidly fires tarydium shards, or a group of shards in a spread pattern.
  • GES BioRifle
    Launches powerful blobs of Tarydium waste. Completely useless against Slith, as they are immune to radioactive slime.
  • A.S.M.D.
    Fires an instant hit photon beam, or a moving core. Shooting the core with the beam causes a massive explosion.
  • Minigun
    Rapid fire machine gun.
  • Eightball Launcher
    A six-barreled rocket launcher that can charge up 6 rockets horizontally or in a tight circular group. Alternatively, rockets can, also up to six in each charge, be lobbed as grenades in a second firing mode.
  • Flak Cannon
    Fires shrapnel in a spread pattern or launches a shell that explodes on contact, releasing shrapnel.
  • Razorjack
    Launches fast spinning cutting blades. Blades can be guided with alternate fire.
  • Sniper Rifle
    A High powered zooming sniper rifle.
  • QuadShot
    The Quad Shot, a four-barreled shotgun, is an unfinished weapon that is never seen in the game but its mesh and script can be seen in the Editor. It may have been replaced by the Flak Cannon. Also some mods have working weapons using the mesh (such as Seven Bullets).


Inventory Items These can be picked up and then used during the course of the singleplayer game and a few are available in multiplayer levels. Use the bracket keys [ ] on your keyboard to select an item visible in your inventory icon bar. The currently selected item is bounded by a white box. Use the Enter key to activate an item. Activated items are highlighted in red. Press Enter a second time to deactivate an item.

Pickup Items Unlike Inventory Items, Pickup Items are activated or put into use as soon as you pick them up. For this reason, it is often wise to leave a Pickup Item on the ground and come back to pick it up when you need to use it.


  • Ash
    According to the manual with the game, Ash was one of the prison guards on the prison ship.
  • Prisoner 849
    The main character of Unreal, who must find a way to escape the Na Pali planet. The true identity is unknown, but a story indicates it to be a woman by the first name Gina, the default character.
  • Kira Argmanov
    Science officer aboard the ISV-Kran, Kira was captured by the Skaarj and imprisoned at Bluff Eversmoking, pursued across several locations by some of her crewmates, who died before they could rescue her. Freed from a cell by a Nali, Kira took refuge in the bell tower, where her body is later found by Prisoner 849.
  • S. Kroon
    Captain S. Kroon is the captain of the Vortex Rikers. The player approaches him and he consolves and dies.
  • James Cavannaugh
    James Cavannaugh is tied down in a chair awaiting to be electrocuted. The player can choose whether or not his corpse is destroyed by either electrocuting him or leaving him alone, but it will not affect progress of the game at all; however, he is already dead.
  • Jonas Gershwin
    Jonas Gershwin is a prisoner onboard the Vortex Rikers whose diary is found very early in the game. Although no identifying corpse is discovered (as is the case with other human characters in the game), Jonas Gershwin makes a non-canonical appearance in the Unreal Tournament singleplayer mod Seven Bullets as an antagonist.
  • Boris Clague
    Boris Clague is a prisoner onboard the Vortex Rikers, notable only as the author of a diary entry found at the beginning of the game. Boris is one of the main protagonists of the two Unreal novels Prophet's Power and Hard Crash.


  • Skaarj
    The Skaarj are an alien race who enslaved the Nali on the planet you crash land on, Na Pali. They are divided in various sub-classes: Warriors, Troopers, Pupae stage creatures, Warlords and Queens. However, there is one warlord and one queen on Na Pali.
  • Nali
    The Nali are a race indigenous to Na Pali but subordinate to the Skaarj as they have been enslaved.
  • Humans
    You play as a human prisoner whose prison ship crash landed on a mysterious planet, Na Pali.
  • Brutes
    Heavy infantry beasts genetically engineered by the Skaarj, wielding handheld rocket launchers.
  • Krall
    A race of unknown origin that has been enslaved by the Skaarj and act as their guards.
  • Mercenaries
    A mysterious race of robotic aliens, seeking Tarydium on Na Pali for power. They are rival to the Skaarj.
  • Slith
    Skaarj's amphibian cousins. Green serpents that roam in land and underwater. Use powerful claw and acidic saliva to attack their preys.
  • Titans
    Enormous creatures, native of Na Pali. Found in large lands or inside various temples and a fortress dedicated to the god Velora, they like to destroy any living being in their sight with boulders and incredible physical strength. Sometimes a Stone Titan is seen in some maps (Multiplayer DM maps) in Unreal Tournament called Mr. Titan and Mr. Titan can yell out insults that may offend you.
  • Gasbags
    Balloon-like creatures with five eyes. They roam various environments from above, and use fire projectiles called Belch to kill their prey.
  • Mantas
    Flying creatures with a shape similar to Earth's stingrays. They are very aggressive and use their tails as weapons. Highly territorial.
  • Fly
    Na Pali's oversized flies, which attack everyone with their tails. They aren't territorial as the Mantas, and it is possible that battles between the two flying races ensue.
  • Underwater creatures
    Na Pali's seas and lakes are filled with three types of creatures, plus the Slith: Biterfish, Devilfish and Squid
  • Tentacles
    Creatures living in cold environments. They are attached to roofs and fire teeth-like thorns.
  • Bloblets
    Space Vermins. Captured into the ISV-Kran Deck1, UMS Prometheus and Mothership Lab. Highly aggressive
  • Previewed Monsters
    A dragon, gargoyle, chameleon, and some other creatures were shown in tech demos and displayed on pictures and ads, but none of them where ever used in the final, finished game. Some weren't seen in the game because the places which they were in were cut to avoid making a game too long to complete, others were either replaced (like the Krall, who took the place of a centaur-like creature) or removed altogether (like the Dragon), because they disturbed the quality of the game, the team behind which had the goal to make the game live to its full potential.






Bonus Content

Essential files

Here you will find all the links to the downloads of the essential files for your Unreal installation (due to BeyondUnreal not supporting the Essential Files wizard any more. Note: you can still see the unsupported page here).


Recommended patches

Epic and older patches

  • Unreal 226 Final for the Windows original version. Use it if you have the first, original version of Unreal, not bundled. Does not support connecting to RTNP and 227 servers. File Date: June 24 2004
  • Unreal 225 Final for the Windows original version. Use it if you have the first, original version of Unreal, not bundled. This version is the best official version for servers and to some extent to clients.
  • Unreal - Return to Na Pali Missionpack 226b Patch. Upgrades the mission pack to the 226 code base. It includes several network and Direct3D fixes, and adds the Unreal Tournament interface. Use this path for the original RTNP only. Supports connecting to Unreal servers. File Date: May 2 2002
  • Rich Text fix. Use if you are having problems with the Unreal editor. For all compilations of Unreal except 227. File Date: May 2 2002
  • UnrealEd Fix 4. Use if you are having problems with the Unreal editor. For all compilations of Unreal except 227.
  • More patches. Unreal has so many different patches that it's hard to choose one, and this page helps to decide the best one for you.


S3TC Textures

  • High Resolution Textures. Replace client-side textures with the S3TC-compressed ones to get a lot more world detail. For all compilations of Unreal. Note: do not use these server-side.

User Created Content

Additional Information


  • A dragon, gargoyle, "chameleon", and a hawk were all mentioned in previews for Unreal but were all cut from the game because they didn't live up to the "cool factor". A Minotaur creature was refined to the point that it became the Krall.
  • Unreal's manual lists the Rifle's alternate fire as a three-shot burst, when it is, in fact, a zoom function. This is a leftover from the Unreal betas.
  • Many were the maps cut from the final version. Some of them are: Soledad, Morose, Nexus, Nexus End, FHub6, Cryox, and The Gateway.
  • A full install of Unreal uses around 420 MB of hard drive space.

Previews and Reviews


See Also