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Gimmick maps

From Liandri Archives

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Maps featuring a distinctive perk such as a trap or an advantage. These maps are considered fun for casual combat, but are disliked by seasoned players who dismiss them for "not being competitive".


The list includes the Fusion Mappack.

  • DmAriza (Low gravity zone)
  • DM-Cybrosis (Electrical beams)
  • DmFITH (Explosive trap triggered by shooting at a panel)
  • DmHealPod (Healing pod plus trap in the middle of the map, no health)
  • DM-Letting (Morbias-like design, plus trap-based cage)
  • DmMorbias (Eightball-only arena)
  • DmTundra (Non-friction area)

Unreal Tournament

See also Asymmetrical CTF maps

Unreal Tournament 2004

This list includes maps from Unreal Championship and Unreal Tournament 2003.

Unreal Championship 2

Unreal Tournament III