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'''Unreal 2: The Awakening''' is described as a sequel to [[Unreal]], though many of the story elements, including characters and locations, are entirely unrelated to the original. The game was released to stores on February 4, 2003.
''Note: If you are seeking for the links to essential files, see the [[#Essential Files|Essential files section]].''
'''Unreal II: The Awakening''' is described as a sequel to [[Unreal]], though many of the story elements, including characters and locations, are entirely unrelated to the original. The game was released to stores on February 4, 2003.
{{Infobox game
| image = unreal2box.jpg
| releasedates = February 3, 2003 (PC)<br />February 10, 2004 (Xbox)
| enginever = Unreal Engine 2
| gamebuilds = 821-2226 (Legend Entertainment)
Primary development on '''Unreal 2''' was performed by [[Legend Entertainment]], with some assistance by [[Epic Games]], and published by [[Atari]].
Primary development on '''Unreal II''' was performed by [[Legend Entertainment]], with some assistance by [[Epic Games]], and published by [[Atari]].
====Unreal II====
After much delay, the Unreal II demo was finally released on May 1st, 2003. It included one level from the Single-player campaign.
The Demo for XMP was released on December 5th, 2003 and included one map, XMP-Garden, out of the 8 maps included with the XMP addon.
===Release Details===
===Release Details===
*February 4, 2003 - Unreal II release
*December 9, 2003 - eXpanded MultiPlayer (XMP) addon
*December 9, 2003 - Unreal II SE (PC)
*December 9, 2003 - Unreal II SE (Xbox)
*February 4, 2003 - Unreal 2 release
*December 9, 2003 - eXpanded MultiPlayer (XMP) addon
While '''Unreal II''' received above average review scores from most of the major game news outlets, it was not received well at all. The most common complaints were that, while it looked pretty, the game did not have much depth nor any replayability to speak of. The game did gain somewhat of a cult following sometime after the XMP addon was released, however this community focused more on the multiplayer aspect of the game, with the single-player campaign receiving very little time or attention.
Most people dislike Unreal II in name only. The game had relatively little to do with the original game, including leaving out any characters, location, and most enemies from the first game. Some people agree that the game is fine as a game, but is not by any means a sequel to [[Unreal]].
==Game Content==
==Game Content==
Upon release, '''Unreal 2''' utilized build 2001 of the [[Unreal Engine 2]] (verify?).  Upon release of the XMP addon, the game utilized build 2226.  The game appears to use a different series of build enumerations from the base Unreal Engine, as the XMP release was described as build 6496, with patches to 6497 and 7710 (the latest patch).
Upon release, '''Unreal II''' utilized build 2001 of the [[Unreal Engine 2]] (verify?).  Upon release of the XMP addon, the game utilized build 2226.  The game appears to use a different series of build enumerations from the base Unreal Engine, as the XMP release was described as build 6496, with patches to 6497 and 7710 (the latest patch).
[[Jack Wall]] (Tommy Tallarico Studios), [[Clint Bajakian]] (Tommy Tallarico Studios), [[Jeremy Soule]] (Artistry Entertainment), [[Crispin Hands]] (Artistry Entertainment), [[Brian Min]] (Weddington Productions), [[Chance Thomas]], [[Richard Schneider]] and original Unreal composer [[Alexander Brandon]] are credited for working on the music in '''Unreal II'''.
Most of the music files of Unreal II use DirectMusic, and only the cutscenes use OGG Vorbis format. There are some additional music tracks that were not used in the game. Overall the music is very cinematic and uses much effects.
;OGG tracks
{| class="wikitable"
! Title !! Filename !! Uses
| Ambient Music 1 || 01u2ambient1 || Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
| Ambient Music 2 || 01u2ambient2 || Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
| Ambient Music 3 || 01u2ambient3 || Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
| Ambient Music 4 || 01u2ambient4 || Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
| Atlantis Shotdown || atlantis_shotdown || Atlantis shotdown cutscene
| Burst Transmission || burst_transmission || Re-play of the Burst Transmission, final cutscene
| Caution || caution || Unknown, probably unused
| Credits Music || CreditsMusic || Unreal II Credits
| Death 1 || DEATH_1 || Played when the player dies
| Death 2 || DEATH_2 || Played when the player dies
| Death 3 || DEATH_3 || Played when the player dies
| Death 4 || DEATH_4 || Played when the player dies
| Drakk Attack || DRAKKATTACK || Drakk attack on Na Koja Abad
| Drakk Awaken || DRAKKAWAKEN || Awakening of the Drakk cutscene on Na Koja Abad
| Drakk Cinematics || drakkcinem || Landing on Drakk Homeworld cutscene
| Duty Calls A || DutyCallsA || Cutscene before [[Swamp]]
| Duty Calls B || DutyCallsB || Unknown
| Duty Calls || DutyCalls || Unknown
| Face Grabber || facegrabber || Unused, probably a cut out level
| Game Over - Lose || GameOverLose || Game lost theme for XMP
| Game Over - Win || GameOverWin || Game won theme for XMP
| Hawkins Death || hawkins_death || Hawkins death cutscene
| Hybrid || hybrid || Unused, probably a cut scene of a cut out level
| Mission 02 Idle || m02-idle || Unused, idle theme from a cut out level
| Drakk Awaken || M03A3-01 || Unused, the same as Drakk Awaken
| Na Koja Abad Intro || m03b1-intro || Na Koja Abad intro cutscene
| Na Koja Abad Temporary || M03BTemp || Na Koja Abad ambient theme, probably unused
| Na Koja Abad Fight loop 2 || M03_fite_loop2 || Na Koja Abad fight theme, also used in Ultimate Community MapPack 2 of UT2004 (as UCMP2-MercFight).
| Na Koja Abad Fight loop || M03_fite_loop || Na Koja Abad fight theme
| Mission 09 Outro || m09f_outro || Unknown
| Mission 10 Final Scene || M10_FinalScene || Unknown
| Drakk Hive || M3_walk_loop || Drakk Homeworld theme
| Marshal Outro || marsh_outro || Sanctuary jungle outro cutscene
| Mission 01 || Mission_01 || Unknown, probably ambient theme of a cut out map
| Na Koja Abad Ambient || Mission_03A || Na Koja Abad ambient theme
| Sanctuary Ambient || Mission_03B || Sanctuary ambient theme
| Hazardous Water 3 || Mission_07Ambient || Unused, ambient theme originally made for a map of [[the Shian]] (doesn't appear as truly ambient)
| Hazardous Water 2 || Mission_07Battle || Unused, battle theme originally made for a map of [[the Shian]]
| Hazardous Water 1 || Mission_07Underwater || Unused, underwater theme originally made for a map of [[the Shian]]
| Return to Avalon || PA_AVALONB_Music || Avalon cannon cutscene
| PA Hell || PA_HELL || Unused, might have been made for the Hell level
| PAHell || PAHELL || Unused, might have been made for the Hell level
| PA Short Music || PA_SHORT_Music || Unknown, sounds like Return to Avalon
| Return from Acheron || PD_ACHER || Return from Acheron cutscene
| Return from Acheron || PD_AVALO || Return from Avalon cutscene
| Return from Acheron || PD_HELL2 || Return from Hell cutscene
| PD Hell || PD_HELL || Unused, seems to be originally the Return from Hell cutscene
| PD Triumph Music || PD_Triumph_Music || Unknown, probably unused
| Rhythm || Rhythm || Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map
| The Skaarj || Skaarj || Unused, likely a left-over from [ this 2000 UE2 Tech Demo], composed by [[Alexander Brandon]]
| Tension 2 || Tension2 || Unused, likely a left-over from [ this 2000 UE2 Tech Demo], composed by [[Alexander Brandon]]
| Tension || Tension || Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map
| Tutorial A || tutorial_A || Avalon theme
| Unreal II || unreal2 || Unused, originally either the end theme or the main menu theme
| Upward || Upward || Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map (Egyptian accents)
;Direct Music tracks
Note: they have ''.con'' extension and needs special software to play.
{| class="wikitable"
! Title !! Filename !! Uses
| Acheron || AcheronE3 || Acheron music
| Kalydon/Liandri Angels || Angels || Kalydon music
| Approach || Body || Unknown
| Drakk Boss || DrakkBoss || End of the Drakk Hive level, the boss fight, composed by [[Alexander Brandon]]
| Intro || Intro || The flyby of Unreal II
| Hell || M01 || Hell music
| Sanctuary || M08 || Sanctuary music
| Sulferon || Sulferon || Sulferon music, composed by [[Alexander Brandon]]
The base game of Unreal II is a single-player mission.  A multiplayer addon was released in December 2003, known as [[XMP]] (eXpanded Multi-Player).
*[[Dispersion Pistol]] (T-13 Popgun)
*[[Dispersion_Pistol#Unreal_2|Dispersion Pistol]] (LEPEW-13, T-13 Popgun)
*[[Combat Assault Rifle]] (CAR, M32 Duster)
*[[Combat Assault Rifle#Unreal_2|Combat Assault Rifle]] (CAR, M32 Duster)
*[[Grenade Launcher]] (M406 Hydra)
*[[Grenade Launcher#Unreal_2_and_XMP|Grenade Launcher]] (M406 Hydra)
*[[M700 Shotgun]] (Crowd Pleaser)
*[[Shotgun]] (M700, Crowd Pleaser)
*[[Flamethrower]] (Vulcan)
*[[Flamethrower]] (Vulcan)
*[[Magnum]] (Avenger, Grace)
*[[Pistol]] (Magnum, Avenger, Grace)
*[[Rocket Launcher]] (Shark)
*[[Rocket Launcher#Unreal_2|Rocket Launcher]] (Shark)
*[[Sniper Rifle]] (Widowmaker)
*[[Sniper Rifle#Unreal_2|Sniper Rifle]] (Widowmaker)
*[[Energy Rifle]] (Shock Lance)
*[[Energy Rifle]] (Shock Lance)
*[[Spore Cannon]] (Spider Gun)
*[[Spider Gun]] (Spore Cannon, Leech Gun)
*[[Drakk Laser]]
*Drakk [[Laser Rifle]]
*[[The Takkra]] (Drakk Hunter)
*The [[Takkra]] (Drakk Hunter)
*[[Singularity Cannon]]
*[[Singularity Cannon]]
*[[Auto Turret]]
<!--Temporary - until a better page is created?-->
*[[Rocket Turret]]
*[[Deployables#Unreal_2|Auto Turret]]
*[[Deployables#Unreal_2|Rocket Turret]]
*[[Force Wall]]
*[[Force Wall]]
*[[Proximity Sensor]]
*[[Proximity Sensor]]
*[[XMP vehicles#Raptor|Raptor]]
*[[XMP vehicles#Harbinger|Harbinger]]
*[[XMP vehicles#Juggernaut|Juggernaut]]
*[[Humans]] (Terran Colonial Authority)
*[[Animals in Unreal 2|Animals]]
*[[Liandri Angels]] (Liandri Corporation)
*[[Ghost Warriors]] (Izanagi Corporation)
**[[Marines]] ([[Terran Colonial Authority]])
**[[Liandri Angels]] ([[Liandri Mining Corporation|Liandri Corporation]])
**[[Ghost Warriors]] ([[Izanagi Corporation]])
Line 45: Line 220:
*[[Sector Commander Hawkins]]
*[[Sector Commander Hawkins]]
The single-player maps are included in the base game of '''Unreal II'''.  The [[XMP]] maps are included in the XMP addon.
====Single Player====
{| class="wikitable"
! Name !! Filename !! Description
| [[Avalon (preface)]] || TutA, TutB || The first map. Here you can take a practice session of Unreal II, called Refresher course.
| [[Sanctuary]] || M08A1, M08A2, M08B || A jungle island Elara V, where Liandri Mining Corporation has a mining facility Lima Six. An artifact was discovered there.
| [[Swamp]] || mm_marsh || Elara V (or Sanctuary) again, now in the jungle after a ship crash. The player has to help the Marines here.
| [[Hell]] || m01a, m01b, m01c, M01d || A cold moon called Hell, where the Axon corporation established a research facility. An artifact was found there, as well as genetically modified creatures.
| [[Acheron]] || m06_acheron || A living planet, where Izanagi corporation discovered an artifact. The planet seems to have strange biological defense functions.
| [[Severnaya]] || mm_waterfront || A planet where Izanagi built a dam. The Marines have attempted to blow the building off, but not successfully. The explosive charges remain there.
| [[Kalydon]] || m06_obolus || A planet where Axon established a repair facility. Liandri Angels are tracking the planet.
| [[Sulferon]] || MM-sulferon || A desert planet where Izanagi has a secret building that has information about artifact locations.
| [[Janus]] || M09 || A planet that is known for the Axon geological research station. Even two artifacts can be found there.
| [[Na Koja Abad]] || M03A1, M03A2, M03A3 || A planet that has hazardous atmosphere. There is an Izanagi research building that has discovered an artifact on this planet. It is known that even a few races have lived on this planet.
| [[NC962VII]] (The Drakk Hive Planet) || M03B1, M03B2, M03B3, M03B4, M03B5 || The planet that the Drakk come from. It has been changed a lot from it's original form by the Drakk. They have one artifact that is heavily guarded.
| [[Avalon]] || M10-Avalon || The first planet that it is seen in the first map, TCA headquarters.
| [[The Dorian Gray]] Starship || M11, M12 || The starship Dorian Grey of the TCA, owned by Sector commander Hawkins.
| [[Atlantis Interlude]] || Atlantis || The TCA Atlantis spaceship. This map is played after each of the missions, with some exceptions.
{| class="list" style="width: 100%"
==Essential Files==
Here you will find all the links to the downloads of the essential files for your Unreal II installation.
*[ Unreal II: The Awakening 1403 Patch] - Fixes a variety of issues with the retail version of Unreal II: The Awakening. Also known as patch 2001. Not needed for Unreal Anthology. '''US version'''.
*[ Unreal II: The Awakening 1403 Patch] - Fixes a variety of issues with the retail version of Unreal II: The Awakening. Also known as patch 2001. Not needed for Unreal Anthology. '''UK version'''.
===eXpanded MultiPlayer===
*[ eXpanded MultiPlayer Full Version 6497] - Upgrades your full version of Unreal II: The Awakening to Unreal II: Special Edition (XMP), with 8 new levels and online Expanded MultiPlayer action. '''US version'''.
*[ eXpanded MultiPlayer Patch 7710] - Updates XMP from version 6497 to the last official version 7710. For the '''US version'''.
*[ eXpanded MultiPlayer Full Version 7710] '''European version'''.
*[ Unreal II Expanded Multiplayer Community Edition Installer] - a newer version of the XMP installer. It already contains the two patches, the most popular maps and mutators and the latest server configuration.
*[ Server Browser Fix] - a thread describing what you need to make your U2XMP server browser work.
===Bonus Content===
*[ Solaris Base Bonus Map] - An additional map created by [[Matthias Worch]].
*[ Unreal II: The Awakening Demo] - Fully-playable demo of Unreal II: The Awakening.
*[ Unreal II: XMP Demo] - Fully-playable demo of Unreal II: Special Edition (XMP), contains one level (XMP-Garden).
==Cut Content==
{{mainarticle|Cut content of Unreal II}}
Exactly a half of the game was cut from Unreal II. The content that was cut include:
*Three races that includes nine or more enemies ([[N]], [[Striders]], [[Shian]])
*Five weapons (Tractor Beam, Stun Baton, Mind Claw, Shock Rifle, Flak Cannon)
*Seven SP maps, around 10 Tournament ladder maps and several more multiplayer maps
*Various graphics, gameplay and sound technologies (MP3 music player, GOLEM tool for mod creation, Co-op support, multiplayer support, dynamic conversation system, armor changing)
However, this content isn't lost forever. Beta versions of Unreal II have survived, and eventually they will be released, bringing all of this content back into the main game.
For more information, see the [[Cut content of Unreal II]] article.
==Bonus Content==
An additional map has been created by [[Matthias Worch]], called [ Solaris Base]. The action takes place between [[Hell]] and [[Acheron]] missions.
==User Created Content==
*[[eXpanded MultiPlayer#CBP|XMP Community Bonus Pack]]
==Previews and Reviews==
[;title;2 Gamespot (7.3/10)]
==See Also==
* [[Unreal]]
* [[XMP]]
* [[Unreal - Return to Na Pali]]
The base game of Unreal 2 is a single-player mission.  A multiplayer addon was released in December 2003, known as [[XMP]] (eXpanded Multi-Player).
====Single Player====

Latest revision as of 15:10, 8 November 2014

Note: If you are seeking for the links to essential files, see the Essential files section.

Unreal II: The Awakening is described as a sequel to Unreal, though many of the story elements, including characters and locations, are entirely unrelated to the original. The game was released to stores on February 4, 2003.

Release dates February 3, 2003 (PC)
February 10, 2004 (Xbox)
Engine version Unreal Engine 2
Game builds 821-2226 (Legend Entertainment)


Primary development on Unreal II was performed by Legend Entertainment, with some assistance by Epic Games, and published by Atari.


Unreal II

After much delay, the Unreal II demo was finally released on May 1st, 2003. It included one level from the Single-player campaign.


The Demo for XMP was released on December 5th, 2003 and included one map, XMP-Garden, out of the 8 maps included with the XMP addon.

Release Details

  • February 4, 2003 - Unreal II release
  • December 9, 2003 - eXpanded MultiPlayer (XMP) addon
  • December 9, 2003 - Unreal II SE (PC)
  • December 9, 2003 - Unreal II SE (Xbox)


While Unreal II received above average review scores from most of the major game news outlets, it was not received well at all. The most common complaints were that, while it looked pretty, the game did not have much depth nor any replayability to speak of. The game did gain somewhat of a cult following sometime after the XMP addon was released, however this community focused more on the multiplayer aspect of the game, with the single-player campaign receiving very little time or attention.

Most people dislike Unreal II in name only. The game had relatively little to do with the original game, including leaving out any characters, location, and most enemies from the first game. Some people agree that the game is fine as a game, but is not by any means a sequel to Unreal.

Game Content


Upon release, Unreal II utilized build 2001 of the Unreal Engine 2 (verify?). Upon release of the XMP addon, the game utilized build 2226. The game appears to use a different series of build enumerations from the base Unreal Engine, as the XMP release was described as build 6496, with patches to 6497 and 7710 (the latest patch).


Jack Wall (Tommy Tallarico Studios), Clint Bajakian (Tommy Tallarico Studios), Jeremy Soule (Artistry Entertainment), Crispin Hands (Artistry Entertainment), Brian Min (Weddington Productions), Chance Thomas, Richard Schneider and original Unreal composer Alexander Brandon are credited for working on the music in Unreal II.

Most of the music files of Unreal II use DirectMusic, and only the cutscenes use OGG Vorbis format. There are some additional music tracks that were not used in the game. Overall the music is very cinematic and uses much effects.

OGG tracks
Title Filename Uses
Ambient Music 1 01u2ambient1 Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
Ambient Music 2 01u2ambient2 Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
Ambient Music 3 01u2ambient3 Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
Ambient Music 4 01u2ambient4 Unknown, might be ambient sounds from some level
Atlantis Shotdown atlantis_shotdown Atlantis shotdown cutscene
Burst Transmission burst_transmission Re-play of the Burst Transmission, final cutscene
Caution caution Unknown, probably unused
Credits Music CreditsMusic Unreal II Credits
Death 1 DEATH_1 Played when the player dies
Death 2 DEATH_2 Played when the player dies
Death 3 DEATH_3 Played when the player dies
Death 4 DEATH_4 Played when the player dies
Drakk Attack DRAKKATTACK Drakk attack on Na Koja Abad
Drakk Awaken DRAKKAWAKEN Awakening of the Drakk cutscene on Na Koja Abad
Drakk Cinematics drakkcinem Landing on Drakk Homeworld cutscene
Duty Calls A DutyCallsA Cutscene before Swamp
Duty Calls B DutyCallsB Unknown
Duty Calls DutyCalls Unknown
Face Grabber facegrabber Unused, probably a cut out level
Game Over - Lose GameOverLose Game lost theme for XMP
Game Over - Win GameOverWin Game won theme for XMP
Hawkins Death hawkins_death Hawkins death cutscene
Hybrid hybrid Unused, probably a cut scene of a cut out level
Mission 02 Idle m02-idle Unused, idle theme from a cut out level
Drakk Awaken M03A3-01 Unused, the same as Drakk Awaken
Na Koja Abad Intro m03b1-intro Na Koja Abad intro cutscene
Na Koja Abad Temporary M03BTemp Na Koja Abad ambient theme, probably unused
Na Koja Abad Fight loop 2 M03_fite_loop2 Na Koja Abad fight theme, also used in Ultimate Community MapPack 2 of UT2004 (as UCMP2-MercFight).
Na Koja Abad Fight loop M03_fite_loop Na Koja Abad fight theme
Mission 09 Outro m09f_outro Unknown
Mission 10 Final Scene M10_FinalScene Unknown
Drakk Hive M3_walk_loop Drakk Homeworld theme
Marshal Outro marsh_outro Sanctuary jungle outro cutscene
Mission 01 Mission_01 Unknown, probably ambient theme of a cut out map
Na Koja Abad Ambient Mission_03A Na Koja Abad ambient theme
Sanctuary Ambient Mission_03B Sanctuary ambient theme
Hazardous Water 3 Mission_07Ambient Unused, ambient theme originally made for a map of the Shian (doesn't appear as truly ambient)
Hazardous Water 2 Mission_07Battle Unused, battle theme originally made for a map of the Shian
Hazardous Water 1 Mission_07Underwater Unused, underwater theme originally made for a map of the Shian
Return to Avalon PA_AVALONB_Music Avalon cannon cutscene
PA Hell PA_HELL Unused, might have been made for the Hell level
PAHell PAHELL Unused, might have been made for the Hell level
PA Short Music PA_SHORT_Music Unknown, sounds like Return to Avalon
Return from Acheron PD_ACHER Return from Acheron cutscene
Return from Acheron PD_AVALO Return from Avalon cutscene
Return from Acheron PD_HELL2 Return from Hell cutscene
PD Hell PD_HELL Unused, seems to be originally the Return from Hell cutscene
PD Triumph Music PD_Triumph_Music Unknown, probably unused
Rhythm Rhythm Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map
The Skaarj Skaarj Unused, likely a left-over from this 2000 UE2 Tech Demo, composed by Alexander Brandon
Tension 2 Tension2 Unused, likely a left-over from this 2000 UE2 Tech Demo, composed by Alexander Brandon
Tension Tension Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map
Tutorial A tutorial_A Avalon theme
Unreal II unreal2 Unused, originally either the end theme or the main menu theme
Upward Upward Unused, either a cut out single player map or a deathmatch map (Egyptian accents)
Direct Music tracks

Note: they have .con extension and needs special software to play.

Title Filename Uses
Acheron AcheronE3 Acheron music
Kalydon/Liandri Angels Angels Kalydon music
Approach Body Unknown
Drakk Boss DrakkBoss End of the Drakk Hive level, the boss fight, composed by Alexander Brandon
Intro Intro The flyby of Unreal II
Hell M01 Hell music
Sanctuary M08 Sanctuary music
Sulferon Sulferon Sulferon music, composed by Alexander Brandon


The base game of Unreal II is a single-player mission. A multiplayer addon was released in December 2003, known as XMP (eXpanded Multi-Player).






The single-player maps are included in the base game of Unreal II. The XMP maps are included in the XMP addon.

Single Player

Name Filename Description
Avalon (preface) TutA, TutB The first map. Here you can take a practice session of Unreal II, called Refresher course.
Sanctuary M08A1, M08A2, M08B A jungle island Elara V, where Liandri Mining Corporation has a mining facility Lima Six. An artifact was discovered there.
Swamp mm_marsh Elara V (or Sanctuary) again, now in the jungle after a ship crash. The player has to help the Marines here.
Hell m01a, m01b, m01c, M01d A cold moon called Hell, where the Axon corporation established a research facility. An artifact was found there, as well as genetically modified creatures.
Acheron m06_acheron A living planet, where Izanagi corporation discovered an artifact. The planet seems to have strange biological defense functions.
Severnaya mm_waterfront A planet where Izanagi built a dam. The Marines have attempted to blow the building off, but not successfully. The explosive charges remain there.
Kalydon m06_obolus A planet where Axon established a repair facility. Liandri Angels are tracking the planet.
Sulferon MM-sulferon A desert planet where Izanagi has a secret building that has information about artifact locations.
Janus M09 A planet that is known for the Axon geological research station. Even two artifacts can be found there.
Na Koja Abad M03A1, M03A2, M03A3 A planet that has hazardous atmosphere. There is an Izanagi research building that has discovered an artifact on this planet. It is known that even a few races have lived on this planet.
NC962VII (The Drakk Hive Planet) M03B1, M03B2, M03B3, M03B4, M03B5 The planet that the Drakk come from. It has been changed a lot from it's original form by the Drakk. They have one artifact that is heavily guarded.
Avalon M10-Avalon The first planet that it is seen in the first map, TCA headquarters.
The Dorian Gray Starship M11, M12 The starship Dorian Grey of the TCA, owned by Sector commander Hawkins.
Atlantis Interlude Atlantis The TCA Atlantis spaceship. This map is played after each of the missions, with some exceptions.


Essential Files

Here you will find all the links to the downloads of the essential files for your Unreal II installation.


  • Unreal II: The Awakening 1403 Patch - Fixes a variety of issues with the retail version of Unreal II: The Awakening. Also known as patch 2001. Not needed for Unreal Anthology. US version.
  • Unreal II: The Awakening 1403 Patch - Fixes a variety of issues with the retail version of Unreal II: The Awakening. Also known as patch 2001. Not needed for Unreal Anthology. UK version.

eXpanded MultiPlayer

Bonus Content


Cut Content

Main Article: Cut content of Unreal II

Exactly a half of the game was cut from Unreal II. The content that was cut include:

  • Three races that includes nine or more enemies (N, Striders, Shian)
  • Five weapons (Tractor Beam, Stun Baton, Mind Claw, Shock Rifle, Flak Cannon)
  • Seven SP maps, around 10 Tournament ladder maps and several more multiplayer maps
  • Various graphics, gameplay and sound technologies (MP3 music player, GOLEM tool for mod creation, Co-op support, multiplayer support, dynamic conversation system, armor changing)

However, this content isn't lost forever. Beta versions of Unreal II have survived, and eventually they will be released, bringing all of this content back into the main game.

For more information, see the Cut content of Unreal II article.

Bonus Content

An additional map has been created by Matthias Worch, called Solaris Base. The action takes place between Hell and Acheron missions.

User Created Content

Previews and Reviews

Gamespot (7.3/10)


See Also