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Unreal Tournament 2004

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Unreal Tournament 2004 is the third offering in the Unreal Tournament branch of the Unreal franchise. UT2004 is viewed by many as an extension of the work done in Unreal Tournament 2003, retaining most of the maps, characters and gametypes from that release, tweaking various issues that were brought up, and adding a considerable amount of new content: nearly 50 new maps, vehicular combat, the Assault gametype which had been excluded from UT2003, and the new gametype Onslaught. It was initially released on March 16, 2004 for the PC and March 31, 2004 for Mac OS X.

UT 2004 Box Art
PC Release Date March 16, 2004
Mac Release Date March 16, 2004
Engine Version(s) Unreal Engine 2 (3120-3369)


Epic Games was the primary developer for the bulk of UT2004, which consisted mainly of building upon the work done for UT2003. Epic collaborated with several other development studios in the creation of UT2004.

Specifically, Epic developed the new user interface, VoIP, voice command support for bots, 31 new characters, 31 new maps, design and implementation of the Assault gametype for inclusion in UT2004 (including new vehicles and turrets), and the new Sniper Rifle.

Psyonix designed and implemented the Onslaught gametype (including new vehicles, weapons and the Energy Turret), 7 maps for the Onslaught gametype, and the new model for the Translocator

Digital Extremes created 13 new maps and two new characters, as well as the new HUD design and new models for the Assault Rifle, Shock Rifle, and Link Gun.

Streamline Studios designed the single-player introduction cutscene and collaborated with Psyonix on ONS-Torlan.


Epic released the demo for UT2004 on February 11, 2004, originally including five maps from the game's library, They later updated the demo including 2 more maps along with updating it to version 3334:

The game went gold on March 5, 2004.

Release Details

  • March 16, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) - Six-CD set
  • March 16, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) - Single-DVD
  • March 16, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) - Limited Special Edition - 2-DVD set with Logitech Internet Chat Headset and a series of UnrealEd video tutorials developed by 3DBuzz.
  • March 31, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 (Mac OS X) - single-DVD
  • April 13, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 (PC) - 2 DVD set
  • September 21, 2004 - Unreal Tournament 2004 Editors Choice Edition - included three new vehicles, four new Onslaught maps, six new characters, and several selected community mods:
  • September 23, 2004 - Editors Choice Edition material available for free download for owners of the original release of UT2004
  • December 2, 2005 - Mega Bonus Pack released online - including patch to v3369, the Editors Choice Edition material, and several new maps
  • November 6, 2006 - released as a portion of the Unreal Anthology collection


Game Content


Upon release, the demo for UT2004 utilized build 3120 of the Unreal Engine 2. The most recent patch of the demo utilizes build 3334.

Upon release, UT2004 utilized build 3186 of the Unreal Engine 2. The Editors Choice Edition utilized build 3323, and the Mega Pack utilizes build 3369, the latest patch to UT2004.

Several middleware engines are incorporated into UT2004, including:


Will Nevins, Kevin Riepl and Starsky Partridge are credited for working on the music in Unreal Tournament 2004.

  • Intro Music
  • Juggernaut Entrance
  • KR-AbsoluteZero
  • KR-Action1
  • KR-Action2v2
  • KR-Action3
  • KR-Assault
  • KR-Atlantis
  • KR-ChemicalBurn
  • KR-City
  • KR-CollisionCourse
  • KR-Conduit-V2
  • KR-Convoy
  • KR-CorrugationRise
  • KR-DM1
  • KR-EndingSequence
  • KR-FromBelow-v2
  • KR-GhostsOfAnubis
  • KR-Glacier
  • KR-Hyperblast-Redux
  • KR-InfernalRealm
  • KR-Infiltrate
  • KR-Junkyard
  • KR-MenuMusic
  • KR-Metallurgy
  • KR-Morpheus3
  • KR-PharaohsRevenge
  • KR-Rankin
  • KR-RobotFactory
  • KR-Roughinery
  • KR-Serenity
  • KR-SkaarjAssault
  • KR-SkyScraper
  • KR-Slaughter
  • KR-Sniper-Time
  • KR-Sulphur
  • KR-TombOfHorus
  • KR-UT2003-Menu
  • KR-UT2004-Menu
  • KR-WasteLand
  • Level2
  • Level3
  • Level5
  • Level6
  • Level7
  • Level8
  • Level9
  • Level11
  • Level13
  • Level15
  • Level16
  • Menu1
  • Mercenaries Entrance
  • SDG-ONS01
  • SDG-ONS02
  • SDG-ONS03
  • SDG-ONS04
  • SDG-ONS05
  • SDG-ONS06
  • SDG-ONS08
  • Stage Music


Unreal Tournament 2004 has nearly a dozen gametypes available:


Unreal Tournament 2004 sports an extensive array of weapons, combining updated classic weapons from Unreal Tournament, newer weapons from UT2003, and all-new weapons. Several weapons were designed specifically for use in vehicle-based gametypes, and typically appear only in those gametypes. Superweapons can be turned off as an option, and so they may or may not appear in-game depending on the server setup.


Unreal Tournament 2004 has a wide variety of land-based and aerial vehicles which are featured in the Assault, Onslaught, and VCTF gametypes:


  • Black Legion
    The Black Legion is made up of the hideously deformed subjects of weaponized genetic mutation tests. This year, they have a new leader, Abaddon, the current pinnacle of achievement of this line of experiments.
  • Blood Fist
    The only team in the Tournament acknowledged to be entirely cybernetic, Blood Fist warriors have their programming upgraded each year, and have become more and more lethal.
  • Fire Storm
    The Mokara are respected and feared as warriors. The Mokara's elite fighting unit, Fire Storm, sends a team of their best soldiers to the Tournament each year.
  • Goliath
    With the success of Gorge's Juggernauts in last year's Tournament, Axon Research Corporation is now sponsoring Goliath in hopes of producing an all Juggernaut finals.
  • Hellions
    Once feared and reviled throughout human space as pirates and renegades, the Hellions seek to gain respectability as a mercenary outfit. They've entered the Tournament to demonstrate their capabilities to potential customers.
  • Iron Guard
    Brock and Lauren joined forces with Malcolm during his reign as Tournament champion. Infighting and recrimination over their stunning defeat in last year's Tournament led to the dissolution of that team. Now, Brock and Lauren have returned leading their old team, the Iron Guard.
  • Iron Skull
    This year, the Skaarj Empire is represented by the Iron Skull clan, who seek to regain honor after long being held responsible for the loss of the Skaarj Mothership during the Human/Skaarj wars.
  • Juggernauts
    Gorge is determined to prove that his one year reign as Tournament Champion is no fluke, and he has re-assembled the Juggernaut team he led to the championship. Axon Research Corporation has made armor and bio-genetic upgrades to the Juggernauts design for this year's Tournament.
  • Sun Blade
    Sun Blade is comprised of former Temple Guardians and veterans of the Desert Legion. They see victory in the Tournament as their only hope for burial and eternal life in the Valley of Kings on Luxor IV.
  • Super Nova
    Super Nova, a team of mercenaries from the Seventh Mercenary Fleet, has entered the Tournament to pay off their debts to the Izanagi Corporation.
  • The Corrupt
    Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, he has returned to lead the Liandri team, The Corrupt, back to the championship. Xan is sitting out the early rounds, which he perceives as beneath his attention.
  • Thunder Crash
    Following his well publicized break-up with long-time teammates Brock and Lauren, Malcolm has returned to lead his old team, Thunder Crash. Malcolm is currently rehabilitating an injury sustained in last year's championship match, but he is expected to be healthy in time for the Tournament Finals.




Bombing Run

Capture the Flag

Double Domination



Editor's Choice Edition

The editor's choice edition of Unreal Tournament 2004 was a 2-DVD special edition of the game, with some bonus content, including six Onslaught maps, three Onslaugh vehicles, six new characters, and eleven mods. There are video tutorials on Disc 2.

Added Mods:

Bonus Content

User Created Content

Epic Games has always supplied modding tools such as the Unreal Editor to developers as well as modders. There are many websites out there full of user created content available to download.

Custom Player Model Sites

  • Skin City - Possible the largest collection of player models and skins for all the Unreal Tournament games.
  • File Front - File Front's Unreal Tournament 2004 model section has a very well organized collection of models.

Custom Map Sites

  • Nalicity - Allows map uploads for complete maps, user reviews, and some maps will be reviewed by a staff member.
  • Insite - Map reviews for complete maps can be requested. Allows user comments on posted reviews.
  • Unreal Playground - Alpha, beta, and complete maps can be uploaded. Some maps are reviewed by staff members.
  • MapRaider - Users can upload maps, comment, score, and review maps. Also includes many other games.

Additional Information

System Requirements

  • Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz processor (Pentium® or AMD 1.2GHz or greater recommended)
  • 128MB RAM (256MB RAM or greater recommended)
  • 5.5GB HDD space REQUIRED
  • 8X CD-ROM or DVD
  • Windows® compatible sound card
  • 32 MB video card required (64 MB NVIDIA or ATI hardware T&L card recommended)
  • DirectX® version 9.0b (included on game disc)
  • Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported. Internet play requires a 33.6 kbps or faster modem (broadband recommended)


  • UT2003 and UT2004 share most of the same content and codebase, though UT2004 contains much more content.
    Unreal Tournament 2004 sought to remedy some of the complaints with the gameplay in Unreal Tournament 2003. One of the most influential changes to the core gameplay was change in the weaponswitch speed. This change prevented players from switching weapons quickly in order to increase their rate of fire. There was also a major change in the netcode, which better accommodates vehicle gametypes and large player counts, but "broke" compatibility with UT2003 and any mods that were designed to use UT2003 netcode.

Previews and Reviews


See Also